The gender pay gap starts in our homes
Co-parenting Dina Cooper Co-parenting Dina Cooper

The gender pay gap starts in our homes

When the WGEA released their latest reports on the gender pay gap, and then the National Working Families Survey released their latest findings. The disparity between 74% of women feeling stressed juggling work and family, compared to 57% of men, indicates there is an urgent need to address this imbalance.

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The Mental Load of Parenting: The 3 Biases That Exhaust Families
Lead Your Family, Parenting Dina Cooper Lead Your Family, Parenting Dina Cooper

The Mental Load of Parenting: The 3 Biases That Exhaust Families

Ever wondered how some people seem so comfortable getting through the overwhelming, overloading number of tasks we have once we become parents? I’ve talked a lot about sharing mental load but today I want to talk about the biases that underlie the majority of the mental load in families.  Specifically, three types of bias can operate unconsciously and contribute to how exhausted we feel on a day-to-day basis. 

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Finding Your Way Back to Each Other After Having Kids

Finding Your Way Back to Each Other After Having Kids

Parents come to me for a myriad of reasons in relation to their parenting. Often the driver is their child is experiencing regular outbursts, not cooperating, constantly pushing back, and saying mean and hurtful things, and they’ve tried everything they can, and what they have tried has not worked.

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Leading a toddler or a teen..are the skills the same?
Dina Cooper Dina Cooper

Leading a toddler or a teen..are the skills the same?

I frequently get asked what age is your parent program for?

One leadership skill is listening. Listening in a way that a child feels heard and understood is transformative to your child hearing you and your requests and building trust and connection in your relationship.

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The 3 most important truths I’ve learned as a parent
Dina Cooper Dina Cooper

The 3 most important truths I’ve learned as a parent

I don’t have to have it all figured out. I don’t have to have all the answers. I need to be ready to ask questions that will help us move forward, like What can I learn here? What can I do better? And learn and grow from there.

Often as parents we feel like we should just KNOW what to do. The truth is we’re figuring it out as we go. Every new stage with our child brings new learnings.

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7 Practices That Led Me To Enjoy Parenting Again
Dina Cooper Dina Cooper

7 Practices That Led Me To Enjoy Parenting Again

All my norms were challenged - the way I ate, the way I slept, my personal hygiene (every parent knows kid-free showers are like gold dust in the early days!). Not to mention the way I could work and go out afterwards (without a ton of nappies and paraphernalia weighing me down!).

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FED UP of Your Child Lying? This is How to Make it Stop.
Dina Cooper Dina Cooper

FED UP of Your Child Lying? This is How to Make it Stop.

When a child first says something that we know is not true, we have the opportunity to shape how they label that behaviour. So for example, instead of labelling the behaviour as “lying” we can say they are “testing boundaries” or “being creative with their words”

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Dina Cooper Dina Cooper


If you find yourself repeating yourself over and over and your child still doesn’t listen. And you’ve tried various different strategies and they work sometimes but not at other times.

Or you find you get an emotional outburst when you ask your child to come for dinner or come off a screen.

Then read on because this is for you.

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