10 questions to ask your child to learn about who they are

In a world where we're obsessed about grades, entry requirements, positions and titles, wouldn’t it be so much easier if the price for entry in any situation is to show up fully as you are and that be enough?


Feels like wishful thinking…


But what if it’s not? 


What if when a child is comfortable being themselves they 


… feel a strong sense of self-worth

… feel confident

… are able to regulate their emotions and mood

… are not afraid of failing

… speak up 

… are courageous

… think independently

… take considered risks

… feel deserving of their goals

… feel worthy of their dreams


And so much more. 


I would love this gift for my child. Would you? 


For the past decade, I’ve been obsessed about the leadership skills that enable our children to uncover who they are, what they love and be in awe of themselves (without the ego). 


Why? Because I got to my mid 30’s before I really uncovered who I am, what I really care about and what makes me uniquely me. And I don’t want my children or any other child to go through the self-doubt, criticism and unfulfillment that goes with not knowing and/or not feeling comfortable to be who they are. 


When children give themselves permission to be themselves, they no longer need to pretend to be something or someone else. They no longer need to prove who they are to the world or us as their parents. They find their people in the world, where they fit in.  And they fit in, not because they need to belong, but because in the words of Brene Brown, they belong to themselves first.  


Here’s 10 questions we can ask our child that allows us to learn about them and more importantly for them to learn about themselves. 


Did something surprise you today?

What is your favourite thing to do at recess?

Is there anything you’d like help with?

Tell me something funny that happened?

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

What was the best thing about your day?

What makes someone a good friend?

What would you change about school?

What is your proudest accomplishment?

If you weren't afraid, what would you do?


Hope this list is useful.


Let's lead them to be them. 


Much love



If you want to chat through how you can enjoy your family life more and bring out the best in your child, book in a free personalised leadership strategy session with me to reach your parenting goals in the next 3 months.


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