Children Don’t Need You To Be Perfect, They Need You To Be Human.
Some things got shoved under our bed and in cupboards that I hoped and prayed no one would open, because if they did they’d discover that I’m not perfect after all.
Leading a toddler or a teen..are the skills the same?
I frequently get asked what age is your parent program for?
One leadership skill is listening. Listening in a way that a child feels heard and understood is transformative to your child hearing you and your requests and building trust and connection in your relationship.
The 3 most important truths I’ve learned as a parent
I don’t have to have it all figured out. I don’t have to have all the answers. I need to be ready to ask questions that will help us move forward, like What can I learn here? What can I do better? And learn and grow from there.
Often as parents we feel like we should just KNOW what to do. The truth is we’re figuring it out as we go. Every new stage with our child brings new learnings.
10 questions to ask your child to learn about who they are
When children give themselves permission to be themselves, they no longer need to pretend to be something or someone else. They no longer need to prove who they are to the world or us as their parents.
7 Practices That Led Me To Enjoy Parenting Again
All my norms were challenged - the way I ate, the way I slept, my personal hygiene (every parent knows kid-free showers are like gold dust in the early days!). Not to mention the way I could work and go out afterwards (without a ton of nappies and paraphernalia weighing me down!).
FED UP of Your Child Lying? This is How to Make it Stop.
When a child first says something that we know is not true, we have the opportunity to shape how they label that behaviour. So for example, instead of labelling the behaviour as “lying” we can say they are “testing boundaries” or “being creative with their words”
If you find yourself repeating yourself over and over and your child still doesn’t listen. And you’ve tried various different strategies and they work sometimes but not at other times.
Or you find you get an emotional outburst when you ask your child to come for dinner or come off a screen.
Then read on because this is for you.
The biggest mistakes parents make when trying to motivate their kids
You’ve asked your child to do something and they still haven’t moved. You’ve tried to be polite, you’ve stayed calm and you’re feeling proud of how you’ve kept it together..until..
How to increase your energy as a parent even (especially) WHEN you're busy
There is a certain satisfaction in getting to the end of the day and knowing you’ve got through the marathon. But day after day, week after week, month after month, autopilot kicks in. You’re existing, exhausted and…
Leading and Letting Go
Someone once told me that the moment you give birth to a child is the start of the process of letting go as a parent. This comment was profound to me.
Cultivating Your Family Team
Just like in organisations, we work together because we know together we can achieve more. The same is true in the home.
5 Ways to Increase Quality Time with Your Child
The question I frequently get asked in workshops and 1:1 clients is how can I have more quality time with my child or more quality time with each of my children (if there is more than one).
Cultivating Your Child’s Courage
The Gottman Institute has a research-based approach to relationships. In an article I read recently, they shared why emotional safety is necessary for emotional connection. And how emotional connection cultivates courageous acts.
The Best Parent for Your Child
The best parent for your child is without a shadow of a doubt, the best version of you.
We’re All Screwed Up…
We’re all screwed up in our own way. It took me a while to realise that I’m screwed up… You see, whatever age you are, whatever your gender, whatever your marital status, whatever your sexual preference, there’s one thing I know about you (and me) for a fact. You are a human being.
When my sons used to ask me to play with them, I’d say, “Yes, after I’ve finished this.” Most of the time that time never came, not because I didn’t want to play with them, but because there were things that needed to get done.
The Importance of Family Values in Leading Your Busy Family
A few weeks ago we had to decide if our son would join the summer soccer team, for our other son it was deciding whether to find him another code club. Then last week, deciding if we could let him go with a friend to the local park without us for the first time. Often times it’s decisions about where we will go and what we will do on the weekend.
Navigating the Unknown
Ok, I have a confession to make, I don’t always know what I’m doing. If fact there are many parenting moments where I have no idea what to do next.
Future of Leadership for Parents
I recently had the pleasure of being at The Future of Leadership Conference. As always, with all the learning and development I do, I’m looking at it through the lens of parenting. How can you (and I) be better parent leaders?
It’s Ok to Lose Your Parenting Mojo
It is common to have parenting highs and parenting lows. It’s also common to have parenting seasons.