How Toxic Thoughts Get Passed Onto Our Children

If no one tells you are doing a good enough job as a parent. And you can’t see how good a job you are actually doing. You will believe you’re not a good enough parent. 

Ever wondered why we can see good in others and struggle to see it in ourselves?

Maybe you weren’t told good things about yourself growing up. 

Maybe you were only told about how you were too challenging, loud, defiant or quiet. 

Maybe you’ve internalised these words and made them your own and now you repeat these words about not being good enough to yourself, without prompting. 

Going unchecked, these thoughts on repeat can make you believe things about yourself that aren’t true. And our children then grow up around these beliefs and make them their own. 

Next time you hear a thought pop-up that doesn’t feel good, ask yourself, is this really TRUE?

You would never let toxic mould enter your mouth (blue cheese doesn’t count!). So why let toxic thoughts into your mind?

Much love

Dina xxx


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