The Ultimate Christmas Gift For Your Child

I’ve been sitting here thinking about what I can share with you at this time of year as we approach Christmas. What could I share with you that would be so important that in your heart of hearts you will already know it?  What is it that I need to remind you of at this crazy time of year?

Now I know what I need to share with you and it is about the gift of our fun spirit as parents.

Our fun spirit which is supposed to be so alive at this time of year can be squashed under the weight of pre-Christmas organisation. There are parties to go to or organise, end of school year events, holiday organisation, shopping, present buying, cooking…  The list goes on.

The good news is that even if you can’t see or feel your spirit of fun, your child can.

When your children look up at you, they see it.  When they come running to you at school pick up time on the last school day of the year, they see it.

Your child sees through your busyness and all the holiday preparations, straight through to the heart of you – the true essence of you. She sees the fun parent inside.  Yes, she’s still there underneath it all.

When you see yourself through your child’s eyes you will rediscover yourself and remember that fun is an essential part of life.  It’s an especially important part of your child’s life and you have the chance to share in it.

Some of you already know how to show your fun side, while others are looking to learn.  Deep down you all know that you can have fun.

How do you start?  You make a choice.  Ignore some of the busyness, reduce some of the bought gifts and opt for the spirit of fun this Christmas. 

There will be so many gifts that await you if you do: relentless giggles, your child’s boosted self esteem, your happy hormones will sky rocket, contagious happiness for all the family. Time will slow down, your holidays will last longer and the true magic of spirit will unfold. Not the spirit of Christmas, the fun spirit of Parent!

Let yourself enjoy life as your kids do. Here are a few ideas to help you make a start:

Sing Christmas carols at the top of your voice

Bake Christmas cookies together and dab some flour on your child’s nose

Pretend to be little elves and chase each other around the couch

Copy some Christmas dance moves from YouTube.

Make up your own words to Christmas tunes

Lie on the grass and see what Christmas shapes you can spot in the clouds

Play spotto with Christmas lights on houses whilst driving in the car

Make your own decorations.

Write letters to Santa and decorate them.

Who cares if people look at you strangely if you and your child burst into song in the supermarket or dance up the aisles with your trolley?  If they are lucky some of your fun spirit will rub off and help them rediscover their own.

It always makes me giggle with sheer happiness when I know that my children and I have surprised someone with our joy in the season.  

It’s so easy to lose yourself in the freedom and joy that sharing a fun experience with your child gives you.  It’s just like being a child all over again and there is only fun to look forward to.

Christmas is a magical time, especially for your children. When they look back in later years they will remember much more than presents under the tree.  They will remember pure, blissful fun and the magic that you wrapped them in.

This holiday season I encourage you to take the scales of life and tip the balance in favour of you and your child.  You’ll find that this is a Christmas neither of you will ever forget.

What a wonderful gift to give your child.


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