3 Components of Healthy Self-belief for a Child
Central to the skills children require for the future of work is self-belief. A child who believes in themselves believes in their ability and their capability to ride challenges and celebrate progress are in good stead for the future.
Self-belief Is A Critical Ingredient for the Future of Work
For years, thirty-five years to be precise, I carried around beliefs about myself that simply weren’t true. I’m not intelligent enough, I’m not unique or different, I’m not special in any way. They weren’t true. We are all intelligent, we are all unique and different and we are all special in our own way.
Book Endorsement by Dr John Demartini
Two months ago, I had one of worst months of my life. I went into hospital for a routine surgery, which resulted in a life threatening complication. That same week, my son broke his arm. A week later I lost my cousin to cancer. A week after that my son went into hospital with a severe asthma attack and then shortly after that I found out a colleague had taken her life. It was intense.
Darling, I Can’t Read to You Tonight I Have to Work..
These are the words that stab the heart of a parent when they are saying them to their children.
Tapping Into the Unlimited Potential of Wealth Within You
A quick post from me today. Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting Julie Ann Cairns, director of The Abundance Code. If you have not yet seen this documentary, I urge you to watch it – it really does change your perspective on everything.
Empowering Your Child to Respond to “Mean” Behaviour
I was mortified to hear my 7-year-old son say to another little boy,
Relax, Reset and Re-inspire the Mum in You Retreat – January 2016
[This blog post contains lots of images and may a take a moment or two to load. It’ll be worth the wait!]
Our Mum’s Retreat Featured in Daily Telegraph’s Kidspot
So excited for our mum’s retreat to be featured in the Weekend Telegraph’s Kidspot Magazine.