5 Ways to Build Trust With Your Child

The fundamental basis of your relationship with your child is trust. ⁠

Questions your child is asking: ⁠
* Can I trust you to be there for me when I have big feelings?⁠
* Do I feel safe to share my inner world with you?⁠
* Can I rely on you when I don’t yet have the skills to rely on me?⁠
* Can I be myself with you and not be rejected? ⁠

Being the safe space and a person to trust for your child starts early and is a gradual process that builds and grows over time. ⁠

Through the behaviour and the words we use with them, they see that we can help them navigate situations until they are ready to navigate them themselves. ⁠

Here are 5 ways to build trust with your child: 

1. By Validating their emotions - you are letting them know you recognise they’re having a hard time right now, and you’re with them in this. ⁠

2. By saying sorry when you’ve done something wrong - it shows you’re taking responsibility for your part. There’s no such thing as a perfect parent, but when we take responsibility, we repair our relationship with lifelong impacts. ⁠

3. Keeping an open mind about why they feel the way they do allows you to see the best intentions in your child. Eg, “They’re having a hard time” versus “They’re trying to get my attention”⁠.

4. Regulating your emotions - this allows you to choose your response to your child rather than react. It puts you in the driver's seat of your emotions rather than your emotions driving you.⁠

5. Keeping to your word - this builds trust and reliability. Saying you’ll be there in 5 minutes and showing up in 5 minutes shows you follow through on what you say, and your child can rely on your word. It’s not always possible, but doing it as much as you can helps. ⁠

Which one do you find the most challenging?


Much love,



What to Do When Your Toddler Throws a Tantrum Over Everything


Raising children who want to do good in the world