Your Happy Place

It is easy to compare yourself to other parents.

It’s so easy, but not helpful. What is helpful is, taking time to consider what makes you feel alive?  What makes up your happy place?

Is it going to the hairdressers?
Is it getting stuck into a project?
Is it a good conversation?
Is it connecting with your friend?
Is it cuddling on the couch with your partner?
Is it playing with your kids?
​​​​​​​Is it curling up with a good book?
Is it asking for a specific meal to be cooked for you?
Is it watching a movie only you want to watch?
Is it helping someone?

You’ll know what makes you feel alive because there is a sense of detachment and peace and you can’t put it into is a feeling. When we search for fulfillment, we set up boundaries, prioritise our tasks to what is most important us, and we no longer engage in activities that waste time. Instead we focus on what makes us happy, where we feel most alive and spend more time there.

Lissa Rankin says, “The longest journey you’ll ever make is the journey from your head to your heart.”

What I believe this means is, rather than a saying to yourself, “I’m feeling good right now.” You experience a feeling that feels good that no words cannot describe.

Want yourself some of THAT feeling?

To find your happy place, consider asking yourself these questions:

What gives me energy? What am I focused on when I feel good?
What sucks my energy? When do I feel drained?
What small step can I take today to do more of what feels good to me?

Give yourself the gift of space. Space to reflect on what makes you feel alive and go do more of that!


Finding Your Tribe


Blindspots in Parenting