Your Child’s Beliefs and the Future of Work

Until I started this journey of my own business, carving out my own path. I’d never even considered what I believe about myself.

I’d never closely considered what beliefs I held.

I certainly never understood, that beliefs drove my entire existence.

Beliefs come out of our mouths every second of the day. I’m not good at this. You’re not good at that. I’ll never get this done. It will only take me a few minutes. These are all beliefs.

Then there’s the deeper beliefs. I can be happy. I’m capable. It’s OK to be me. I’m loved no matter what.“

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Gandhi

It’s the deeper beliefs that I now understand are the ones that had held me back in successfully carving out my own path. And they were the ones that were instilled in me from a young age. Not because my parents didn’t believe any of these about me, they had never learnt the skills to embed these beliefs into me.

Research shows we become what is believed about us. A neuro-scientific study carried out on a casual basketball player demonstrated she had little co-ordination and couldn’t make the basket – she got 0 out of 10 shots in the basket. She was then blindfolded and told to make the shots again, this time the crowd cheered making her believe she made the shots. Then the blindfold was removed and she had another attempt, this time she made 4 shots out of 10. A vast improvement – the difference being, with the crowds help, she believed it was possible.

Understanding your beliefs and how they are formed and developing the leadership skills that enable you to instill specific beliefs that are core to your child carving out their own path for their future, is important.

Artist: Jenna Roase Simon

Inside the Raising Happy Humans Program, we talk about how beliefs are formed and how saying something as simple as “good boy” or “good girl” can be instilling beliefs in your child that can hold them back in their future. And we learn what to say instead.

The future of work demands that more and more, children will be required to carve out their own path. Whilst we don’t know what specific skills will be required in the future of work, we know these subtle core beliefs make a big difference to how easily they will navigate their path.


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