To the parent that feels unhappy...

If you're feeling unhappy, know that there is nothing wrong with you. 

You don’t have to be happy all of the time.. nor pretend that you are happy with your child, your partner, or to yourself.

Life may not seem like the life you dreamed it to be right now. 

The daily battles some days seem almost too much to bear. Maybe you just want to check out for a while and not think about anyone or anything else for a few hours…or days… 

In all of this, go easy on yourself. Know that you’re human and know that your feelings matter. 

How you feel matters...

When we are truly in a position of leadership we understand that how we feel is almost more important (or at the very important) as anything else.

Feelings alert us to what is going on. Where we may need to explore or dig further. Where we may need compassion and sometimes, when we may just need to rest.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

You’re human.

Your humanness is what makes you beautiful. Your humanness is what makes you strong and it’s your humanness that makes you parent at your best.

Your compassion, not your judgment for yourself is what’s needed here.

And if you need to give yourself permission to put yourself first for a short (or long) while, then go ahead. You deserve it.

Giving to others on a daily basis is hard. Parenting is hard. Always having others rely on you is hard.

And I know you’ll still make dinner today, wipe a tear away tomorrow and give someone a hug to make them feel better the next day. Each time you do any of these, reserve a little for you…a good meal, some compassion, a hug.

You deserve it. 

And little by listening to yourself you’ll feel yourself returning again. 

You are your own leader. The best leaders are humans. And humans make the best parents.

Go gently…

From my heart to yours, 



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