Time is Precious…

Today I learnt about a friend who lost her daughter in a tragic accident. Recently, it was a family friend who suddenly lost her life at the age of 34. Both of these events were in quick succession to losing my cousin who was 36, in the months prior.

These deaths have hit me hard. I’m devastated for the loss to each of their families and what has become so real is, there are three more sets of parents who have lost their child.

As I watch a movie with my children tonight, I will hold them just that little bit tighter. It’s a sobering thought, none of us really know when moments will be our last..

Time is precious…

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. ~Wayne Dyer

My commitment to myself is to not wait for tragedy or illness or pain to help me wake up and chase my dreams or do the things that matter. My commitment is to say all the important things to the people that matter and make as many moments matter as I can.

Have you been waiting to say or do something and now doesn’t seem the right time? What’s a small step you can take in the direction you want?

Time is precious..


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